You use a PC in the office and a smartphone on the go, but could you imagine being as comfortable around technology as your children are? Members of the younger generation are growing up with computers and tablets all around them, learning to type alongside learning to use a pen!
In the same way, the elderly could also learn how to utilize certain gadgets that simplify everyday living for them. They may not be as tech-savvy as the youth, but can adapt to some simple, yet useful pieces of tech. Its usefulness could also extend to those figuring out new tips on caring for the elderly, such as family members as well as professional caregivers.
Through diagnostic technology, for instance, there has been a major boost in the ability to intercept an issue in time, and in some cases, avoid it before it even happens. This goes on to suggest that elderly individuals suffering from medical conditions could especially benefit from modern gadgetry.
So, it is safe to say that while senior citizens might receive personal support from Home care St Petersburg FL facilities, technology can help them better deal with personal affairs. Here are just a few!
A Tablet with a Grocery App
Your son might have been able to buy Lego on eBay before you realised that he knew what a credit card was, but your parents might not be so clued up. Fortunately, a large tablet computer complete with a grocery delivery app provides a quick and easy way for an elderly relative to purchase the essentials. Apps are often easier to use and more intuitive than traditional websites, so why not create an account for an elderly relative and let them take control of their shopping?
Self-Diagnostic Equipment
We live in a time when ordinary people can try their hand at doing what their GP once did for them. Dr Google is a valuable (and often terrifying) resource, but there are so many other useful technologies to hand.
Pregnant women might list a home doppler amongst their best buys as they listen to their baby’s heartbeat from the comfort of their own bed, but for elderly relatives tools like blood pressure monitors and digital thermometers make it easier to monitor health at home. Similarly, the best affordable rechargeable hearing aids can be a game changer for older adults, offering them enhanced hearing and convenience without frequent battery replacements. That said, home-based health monitoring should never be a replacement for professional help when it’s needed.
Wearable Alarms
Elderly relatives receiving assistance from in-home caregivers, especially from one of the best home health care agencies in philadelphia pa or other locations, might not need wearable alarms. However, consider those seniors who lack this kind of support. For them, wearable alarms are highly beneficial. Devices like life alert canada can be worn on the wrist like a watch or around the neck on a lightweight chain. In the event of a fall, the wearer can press a button to automatically alert a friend, family member, or medical professional.
Robotic Pets
There’s an argument that technology can never replace the sensation of touch and the feeling of companionship. Whilst that may be true, researchers are finding that robotic pets are providing very real benefits for those not capable of caring for a real animal.
Again robotic pets shouldn’t be a replacement for real help and support, but therapeutic robots are a big thing particularly in Japan, where Paro the seal is the number one companion robot for elderly people.
Social Media Websites
When they first launched, sites like Facebook and Twitter were dominated by students. Now, they’re used by anyone and everyone. Social interaction is important for elderly relatives, even if they’re not able to get out and about as much as they might like. Being on Facebook provides an opportunity for your elderly parent to catch up with old school friends and colleagues, to keep up to date with the latest family news and to click ‘like’ on an endless number of photographs of their grandchildren. What more could they need?
104 year old Ivy Bean was one of Twitter’s most famous users before her passing in 2010, with more than 56,000 followers. Is your elderly relative up for the challenge?
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