The Top 4 Arts and Crafts Sites for Moms … Plus 1 You Need to Watch Out For

Having three kids is a blessing for me in many ways. I am a proud mother of a future astronaut, a future rockstar, and a future dinosaur tamer (I blame Jurassic World for this!). Seeing my three boys run around and roughhouse with my husband on Sundays is one of the surefire ways to bring a smile to my face. But angelic as my little tykes may be, I can’t help but admit that there were things that we had to sacrifice for them. Time and money are at the top of the list, and while my loving husband has been my rock through the years of my marriage with his dedication, hard work, and patience, there just isn’t as much money to go around anymore. And without a nanny to reign in our ‘triple threats’, I cannot even find the time to pick up an online job. Then it hit me. What if I didn’t look so hard for a way to earn money and instead tried to save on everyday expenses? A couple quick Google searches and I was eyebrows deep in DIY projects, recipes, and sewing shortcuts that ultimately led to me condensing it to this article. So, without further ado, here’s my top picks for the best mom site’s out there!


Cool Mom Picks

Run by Kristen Chase and Liz Gumbinner since the year 2006, Cool Mom Picks has been the top dog of parenting website’s list for the majority of its running time. Exploding into local and national spotlights with a vengeance, this site covers all relevant categories for parents. From DIY to parenting trends, Cool Mom Picks has it all! Also, the positive focus and witty tone of writing gives you that added bonus of good vibes and fuzzy feelings.

Pretty Prudent

A more practical mom’s blog, Jaime and Jacinda focus more on the economic benefits of DIY projects. Their collection of arts and crafts is all comprised of easy to get material with easier-to-follow instructions. On a side note, there are some projects that are a bit more time-consuming, so pick your poison with care.

Jenna’s Blah Blah Blog

What I love about Jenna’s Blah Blah Blog is that it is more of a personal blog that anything else. Sure, the themes are still the same as all the rest of the mom’s blog. But the fact that it is a solo project allows for the essence of Jenna to shine through. There’s no filter or selection for this site. Just pure unadulterated mom love. Plus, she’s got 4 kids! That ratchets up the difficulty and time consumption by a factor of at least 5. Mad respect for Jenna to keep maintaining the blog at the condition it’s in.


Make It And Love It

Ashley at Make It And Love It is the odd one out for this selection. Focusing more on fashion and clothing, her blog teaches you how to make your kids look fabulous with minimal stress on your pocket and on your time. And I’ve gotta admit, her kids dress way better than my three rambunctious scamps on their best day!

Honorable Mention: The Sewing Guru

Now when all’s said and done, the four sites above have been in business for quite some time. There have been a lot of new entries in the past years. Most of those attempts have fizzled out and died not a month after launching. The Sewing Guru was able to keep its place as an up and coming DIY site. It’s not specifically targeted for mom’s. The site is actually for both beginners at sewing and for experiences tailors who would like to hone their craft. Having instructional videos and eBooks gives the end result of it being a medium for marketing a service rather than a free-to-read blog, but it has been invaluable for a rookie DIY mom like myself.