The Madness of Katie Hopkins



I know she’s vile and opinionated, rude and obnoxious, and so out of touch with the real world it’s almost painful, but I do find Katie Hopkin’s interviews to be strangely captivating.

A few months ago she went viral on Youtube with THAT interview on This Morning, ranting about her prejudice views on children’s names. Woe betide the Tylers, Chantelles and Kylies of the world, for you’ll never get the chance to play with Katie’s children – even though they’re named India, Poppy and Maximillian. Hypocrite much?!


According to Katie, the name of a child reflects on the intelligence and class of the child and their parents, and renders them “unworthy” of playing with her little darling. Perhaps it’s the diseases they’re carrying?

I must say, my personal highlight of the interview is the when Katie dislikes the names of children who are named after geographical locations, only to then say her child is called India and, maddeningly, fails to see the hypocrisy of this.

Now, it seems, Katie has opened up yet again another can of worms by announcing to the world – again on This Morning – that she believes it’s perfectly acceptable to miss your child’s birthday.


To be fair, on this one, I did initially see a point to her argument. But then she blew her point to smithereens when she revealed she has a joint birthday for her 3 children every other year. For someone with money, that’s pretty tight!

Katie is, however, completely vile towards Netmums (LOL!) and to the poor woman sat next to her during the interview, claiming she was a “lemon”!


What makes this interview supremely entertaining – besides Katie’s blatant lack of tact and restraint – are the reactions of Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby throughout.

Rightly or wrongly, I find the Katie Hopkins interview on This Morning – of which there are now several – compulsive viewing; the hilarity of her opinions and her incredibly tactless delivery are priceless!
