Tag: fitness
Free Things to do with the Kids this Summer in North Wales
School holidays are every kid’s heaven and a lot of parents’ hell. It’s not that I don’t like having both boys at home full time, but it does seem to make life ten times harder. They’ve both gotten to an age where they play together a lot, but also argue just as much – more…
The Wonders of Technogym
Before this week, the last time I’d set foot in a gym was during my years at university. Over the years I’ve always opted for the cheaper alternatives; running and cycling. Gyms, I feel, can be like subtle little money traps; they lure you in and then BAM! As soon as something comes up in…
How to Lose the Baby Weight
When you have a baby, or, at least, when I had my babies, the last thing on my mind straight after was my weight. My focus was on the new little person I was now, laughingly, responsible for keeping alive; my issues were the last thing on my mind.
Quick Ways to Lose Weight
OK, so there is no true quick and easy way to lose weight, but I can offer a few simple tips and ideas that might make a little bit of difference and help you on your road to shedding a few pounds.