Surviving Parenting – The Ultimate Guide

Babies can drive you mad and drive you to bankruptcy! Everything in life needs to be so carefully balanced when you become a mum. Your time, your mood and your money can all seep away so quickly when you have a new baby, and it can feel like you are completely out of control of your entire life. Fortunately there are some solutions to most parenting problems, and remember – they all grow up eventually! If you are tearing your hair out wondering which way is up right now, sit down, have a cuppa and read this helpful guide to taking control of your own life again:

Breathe – There are many times when we hold our breaths as new mums. We need to hear the baby is still breathing, or the nappy is full, or we are about to lose our temper. These all times we fail to breathe correctly. Every mum has that moment of wanting to explode at baby. Breathing through it and taking a minute away has a remarkable calming effect. It gives you just enough time to realise the baby knows no better, and you are strong enough to deal with this after all.

Help – Nobody, male or female, young or old, can do parenting completely alone. We all need help. Find a childminder, a good friend and a babysitter. You will need to call on at least one of these every week, so make good choices. You still need to get out and be you, not just mummy, so make time to have adult conversations away from the baby changing station.

Budget – Know how much you have, how much you are getting, and determine how much you can afford. Remember you have big purchases to make early on like car seats and sterilising systems. Search online for Pushchair Cosy Toes to find the right pram for you. Don’t be afraid to ask parents for help. Grandparents want to buy baby things, but they are afraid to step on your toes. Offer them the opportunity to buy something big for the baby, and they will be delighted.


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Sleep – Even past the age of two, make the most of your little one sleeping by taking a well-earned nap yourself. Most kids will be up in the night until they start school, so catching up in the day may be essential to your health and mental well-being. Don’t be ashamed of being tired, but don’t ignore it as a warning sign you too need to nap.

Eat – Baby may be ready to take on solid foods from six months. Be certain your grocery shop includes lots of good, fresh ingredients. Lead by example. If baby sees you eating raw carrots and bananas regularly, they will accept this is normal behaviour. They may be less fussy when it comes to eating well if you have always done so. Eat out as a family once or twice a month too, so baby can learn the social graces involved. It helps you feel human and relieved someone else is doing all the cooking too!