Progress reports are some of the best ways to track how a young child is progressing within classroom settings. These summaries will provide a great deal of insight while highlighting strengths as well as any potential weaknesses. However, is it wise to read these reports to a child? Might it instead be better to keep this information private? If you have been struggling to answer these questions, the details and observations outlined immediately below will come in handy. Let’s take a closer look at what the experts have to say.

Developing Trust With Your Child

Many will argue that reviewing a progress report with your child is an excellent way to develop a sense of transparency. Furthermore, this likewise illustrates that the parent is interested in how their child is performing. Children who become aware that their parents truly care will be much more likely to perform at a higher level. In the event that they begin experiencing any problems within classroom settings, children will be less hesitant to discuss their issues with a parent. This type of trust represents an excellent foundation as a child ages and progresses in the educational system.

Interpersonal Insight

Many teachers now employ cutting-edge school report writer software platforms. Not only does this help to reduce staff workloads, but it makes it much easier to appreciate areas where a student tends to excel as well as subjects that might require closer attention. This provides parents with yet another powerful tool.

When reviewing such a report, parents should use what some have termed a white-and-black approach. First, note any areas that the child seems to have grasped. He or she can then be praised for such hard work. It is then easier to highlight a subject or skill that appears to be lacking. In other words, parents should always strive to emphasise the good as well as the bad. There may even be times when a child is unaware that a certain subject requires more effort. Parents who point this out will be providing yet another source of motivation.

Seek Input from the Child

Some parents make the mistake of reviewing a report card to a child in a similar way as if they were reading a bedtime story. We need to remember that this level of interaction should always represent a two-way street. Here is a handful of questions to ask along the way:

  • How does the child feel about the marks that he or she received?
  • Do they agree with how they were reviewed?
  • What areas do they feel need a bit of improvement?
  • Have they discussed these thoughts with their teacher?

Reviewing a school report with your child will provide a level of insight that might not otherwise be possible. Furthermore, you can thereafter discuss any questions or issues that you may have with the teacher in question. There is no doubt that such an approach will provide benefits to everyone involved.