Reducing Your Carbon Emissions

For all the joys that motherhood or parenthood brings, certainly one of its major annoyances is that of constantly worrying about the wellbeing of your children, whether this is their current wellbeing or that of their future. The world suddenly becomes a thousand times more dangerous than it ever was and your senses get heightened to all manner of dangers waiting around each corner.

Something a little different to worry about came to mind this time as I was attending a Saturday morning football game of my son’s. I couldn’t tell you how the match went or how my son fared as I was rather worried about a seriously dark cloud of smoke emanating from a huge factory chimney in the distance, this on a Saturday morning when one would think factories are closed. This just got me thinking about the type of world we’re going to leave behind for our kids – a world in which they’ll have to deal with the effects of all the pollution we’re putting into the atmosphere, some of which effects are already being experienced in the form of some freakish weather witnessed all around the world.

Well, as they say, charity begins at home so all I can really do is try to reduce my own carbon footprint and hope anybody reading this blog will resolve to try and do the same. Cutting down on one’s CO2 emissions is certainly one of the first things one considers when trying to be a bit more environmentally conscious and greener.

A mere four years ago (2013), the average person in the UK was responsible for the emission of 7.1 tonnes of CO2, which granted was much lower than the 11.2 tonnes per capita in 1960, so we can thank technological advancements for that cleaner energy sources have been used more and we’ve generally found cleaner ways of mass production. The UK still lags behind countries like Sweden though, where their per capita emissions were only 4.6 tonnes, so we still have a long way to go here.

Longer-term steps to reduce your carbon footprint around the house could involve using low-sulphur fuels provided by Brothers Oil and Brothers Mechanical or similar providers. Using heating oil that is low in sulphur helps keep heating systems running efficiently and could significantly reduce emissions of particulate matter, nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide, and sulphur. This leads to improved air quality and reduced environmental impact, thereby making it an eco-friendly option for energy usage.

An alternative approach to minimizing your carbon footprint at home involves actions such as installing triple-glazed windows, whether in Ireland or elsewhere, as well as opting for double-glazing or enhancing the insulation of your boilers. Triple or Double-glazing windows are constructed with low-emissivity glass, allowing sunlight and heat to enter while minimizing heat loss. This not only helps in reducing utility bills but also contributes to a lower carbon footprint. Those interested in pursuing this option can refer to resources like the Double Glazing Cost Guide to understand the pricing of products and installation. Similarly, insulating your home leads to decreased reliance on the central heating system, resulting in substantial cost and carbon emission reductions.

Another practical approach to diminishing your household’s carbon footprint involves the installation of energy-efficient windows, such as triple glazed windows Ireland or elsewhere. Additionally, opting for double glazing or enhancing the insulation of your boilers can contribute significantly to environmental sustainability. Triple or double-glazed windows utilize low-emissivity glass, a design that allows heat and sunlight to penetrate while minimizing heat loss. This dual-purpose feature not only aids in cost savings on utility bills but also plays a pivotal role in reducing your overall carbon footprint.

Those interested in this option can go through the triple or Double Glazing Cost Guide to learn about the price of the products and their installation. Furthermore, investing in home insulation is a proactive step towards energy efficiency. By insulating your home, the workload on your central heating system is significantly reduced, resulting in noteworthy cost savings and a substantial decrease in carbon emissions. This multifaceted approach not only benefits your wallet but also contributes to a greener and more sustainable living environment. For instance, when you insulate your home, your central heating system functions less to keep your house warm. This can further lessen your costs and carbon emissions dramatically.

It takes some practice to consciously make greener and cleaner decisions daily around the house, but if you install some cues in your eye-line it’ll soon become habitual. Small measures daily add up to a huge difference in your overall CO2 emissions, such as finding a way to flush the toilet less than what the 13 litres per flush incrementally add up to.

Besides these, with some very competitive bus fares available, your transport choices can also cut into your emissions quite considerably. One less motor vehicle running on the roads makes a huge difference, so use the bus perhaps over your car wherever possible, or organize with some of your work colleagues to form a lift club so that up to four of you could maybe ride together instead of each pouring tonnes of CO2 into the air with each of your cars.