Pusheen Tells Us All About Her Favourite Snacks

Hello to my lovely followers,

I do hope that you are enjoying the run up to the festive season? I’m a bit of an expert on celebrations (I love having fun with my friends), and for me, a big part of enjoying life involves munching tasty snacks. I often get asked if I have a favourite treat, but how can I choose just one when there are so many delectable morsels to digest? Allow me to tell you about a few of my favourite snacks.


I must admit, I do have a bit of a sweet tooth, and I absolutely adore eating cookies (which are also known as biscuits). I’ve heard that there are actually eight types of cookie, apparently you can get fried cookies, moulded cookies no-bake cookies, refrigerator cookies, rolled cookies, sandwich cookies, bar cookies and drop cookies. Wow! That’s a lot of cookies, personally I enjoy chocolate chip cookies best.


Mmmmmm, what I wouldn’t give for a tasty looking frosted donut, especially if it’s got pink frosting (pink is my colour of choice). Some people call them doughnuts – hey donuts or doughnuts, I don’t mind what you call those sticky, sweet-tasting treats, I’ll eat them regardless!

Ice Cream Sundae

Cold, creamy, and oozing with sweetness, an ice-cream sundae has to be one of the best ways to end a meal. For me, the perfect sundae consists of three flavours of ice-cream, I tend to pick by colour as I like my sundae to look pretty! I usually go for a pink scoop (strawberry), a green scoop (mint) and a purple scoop (yummy blackcurrant). Some people like to add a sticky sauce or syrup, and extras like whipped cream, marshmallows and pretty rainbow sprinkles.

That all sounds rather grand but I prefer my ice-cream sundae to be nice and simple, so I just top off my three scoops with a wafer cone. Yum!


I do like a slice of pizza, and my favourite topping has to be pepperoni. I like my pizza authentic, wood-fired is best, but if I’m hungry I will munch down whatever is going! A little advice for you – never eat pizza with a knife and fork, always cut it into thick wedges and pick up it with your hands (I use my paws), it tastes much nicer!


I do enjoy sweet treats and savoury goodies, but I am a cat with a discerning palate and I’m rather partial to a fresh sushi too. Allow me to enlighten you, if you’re not sure what it is (I’m a fountain of knowledge). Sushi is a Japanese delicacy, best eaten with chopsticks (I’ve mastered using them and I’m sure you can too).

Potato Chips (Crisps)

Some call them potato chips and to others they are crisps, either way they taste great, and I really enjoy crunching on them. There are so many flavours, I’m hoping one day there will be a bag full of crisps that taste of my favourite things – ice-cream crisps, popcorn crisps, sushi crisps, and donut flavoured crisps all in the same bag. Splendid!


Whenever I settle down to watch a movie, I always make sure I have a huge bucket of delicious buttered popcorn to hand (or should I say paw). Popcorn is made by roasting dried corn kernels – they get all puffed up and taste so good! You can get all sorts of flavours nowadays including butterscotch, toffee, salty and I’ve even heard of curry and lime spiced popcorn! (I do not like the sound of that thank you very much). I think I will stick to my favourite buttery variety.

Candy Cane

Christmas just isn’t Christmas without the edible goodies that go with the season. Bring on the turkey, the chocolates, the pudding, the cheese and traditional candy canes.

I adore candy canes, those red and white striped sticks that taste of peppermint really tickle my taste buds. You can get candy canes in other colours and flavours, but for me, the original version is best.

Pusheen Official Cute Soft Toy Collection

Of course, everyone needs a Pusheen in their life, I’m only sorry I can’t spend time with all of my devoted fans. I would love to impart my wisdom and proffer my humble opinions on a day to day basis. What I can offer you however is a replica of me, and it’s a rather good likeness if I do say so myself. Take a look at the Pusheen Official Cute Soft Toy Collection by Gund.