When you are deciding on the type of furniture to get in your garden there are several different considerations you need to make. How much are you willing to spend? How much room do you have available? What are you using the furniture for? All these are questions that will help you decide on the type of furniture that you are going to buy.
In today’s article, we break down plastic vs teak, what the main differences are, and which option you should pick for your garden.
- Plastic is cheaper, but it may not last as long
If cost is a big factor in your decision-making process, plastic may well win out as it is a lot cheaper than teak garden furniture. Additionally, not all plastic furniture is created equal, and you can certainly find more premium options on the market.
One of the main negatives of plastic furniture is it often does not last well over time. Cracks and stains start to appear which can seriously affect the look and feel of the furniture. It also cannot be properly treated like treat furniture, so will require a lot of maintenance.
- Teak garden furniture adds a premium feel at a high cost
The other reason why teak garden furniture is better than plastic is the added premium feel you get. Whilst these products may come at a higher price, they also add a lot of extra aesthetic value to the garden. They work particularly well with patios and can be resold if you want to get some money back on them in the future. They can also wonderfully complement your outdoor summer house (look at https://www.scottsofthrapston.co.uk/summerhouses/ for inspiration) or a pergola that can be used to entertain guests or have a relaxing time in the garden. Outdoor living areas are becoming increasingly popular, so you would want to design an eye-catching yet peaceful one, wouldn’t you?
- Teak furniture will need more treatment than plastic alternatives
One of the other areas where teak differs from plastic is in the treatment it needs. As teak is a hardwood timber, it is already pretty resistant to the elements, but if it is exposed too much it can weather over time. This raises the need for teak furniture to be treated to achieve the look you are going for. Treatment will also protect it from pests and dirt. Whilst you will not have to treat plastic furniture in the same way, this does mean that more dirt and grime will build up over time.
- It is easier to fix teak garden furniture than plastic furniture
No one buys furniture with the intent of ever having to fix it, however, accidents do happen and it is important to know how to fix the furniture when the time comes. As teak is made from wood this means that it is very workable and makes it easy to fix. Plastic furniture is not so workable and can often be very difficult to fix if it becomes damaged.
High-quality teak furniture will add an extra dimension to your garden living space
As shown, teak has several benefits over plastic furniture, not only in terms of the premium feel but also the length of time that it will last. If you have the budget, spending a little more for premium teak furniture will ensure you get a product that impresses the neighbour’s families and perhaps even yourself.