Myths/Misconceptions About Baby Development

Sugar doesn’t make a child bounce off the walls. Bribing won’t make you a bad parent. You’re not immune to conventional wisdom tossed at you by your family and friends. This post will help you sort facts from some of the myths or misconceptions about baby development.

1. Any Toy Can Make Babies Smarter

There’s no evidence that a particular toy can make a child smarter. To help kids learn to explore their environments, they need a stimulating environment, but sophisticated toys aren’t necessary. It’s true that babies prefer images with black and white colors. But these photos won’t increase their intelligence.

2. Nothing to be Concerned about Speech Delays

Parents should be concerned if their babies are experiencing speech delays. They must learn to recognize the differences between speech and language. Any delays must be taken seriously. Early intervention will help in diagnosing whether the child has autism or cognitive problems. Accordingly, parents can look for therapies and other medical aids that can help manage the problem and provide necessary treatment. Treatments could include behavioral and speech therapy, which can be availed from organizations similar to CA SRF for proper support and care. Speech-language pathologists can provide speech, language, and literacy treatment for childhood language disorders and help them gain confidence and become better communicators.

3. Holding Books Too Close to the Eyes will Damage Baby’s Vision

It may indicate that the baby is suffering from nearsightedness but holding books too close to the eyes won’t harm the baby’s vision. Make sure to discuss it with your child’s pediatrician. However, if it’s just your child’s personal preference, then there’s nothing wrong with it.

4. Developmental Delays are Always Genetic.

While genetic factors can play a role in a child’s development, they are not the sole determining factor. Environmental influences, prenatal care, birth complications, and early interventions also play significant roles. For instance, an injury during birth, such as hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE), caused by oxygen deprivation, can lead to developmental delays that are not genetic in nature. Seeking appropriate medical care and consulting experts, including an HIE lawyer if needed, is crucial in understanding the underlying causes of developmental delays and accessing necessary support for your child’s well-being and compensation for the trauma caused.

5. Babies will have allergies if their parents have allergies.

It’s true that heredity plays a significant role in who will get allergies. However, other factors will also play a role. There are some predispositions. But you must not assume that if you’re allergic to something, your kids will have it too. Allergies can come out if parents don’t have them. Genetics do not dictate the destiny of allergies.

6. Excessive Crying Means Something is Wrong with the Baby

Excessive crying doesn’t always mean that they are sick or in pain. That’s because it takes a lot of energy for the baby to make a loud cry. Sick kids are listless and more passive. Thus, crying doesn’t mean the baby is sick. Rather, it can be the baby’s way to communicate with you. It may mean that he wants something.

Crying may also mean that he’s teething. Your baby is teething if he becomes irritable, drooling, has swollen gums, trouble sleeping and you see a tooth appears below the gum. One of the ideal ways to remedy teething problems is to allow the baby to wear Amber necklaces, and you can buy those online. The necklaces offer comfort and relief from pain because of their natural analgesic properties.

However, if fever and chills accompany crying, then your baby may have a health issue. Make sure to have him checked by his pediatrician as soon as possible.