I’m Wel Jel of Jessica!

My inspiration

She is gorgeous! And I love the fact that young girls now have, in the likes of Jessica Ennis and Victoria Pendleton, positive female role models of a different class to the cast of TOWIE.

When I look at Jessica Ennis I can’t help but feel intensely jealous. I’m not particularly jealous of her body (I’m not sure I could rock the 12-pack look, and having carried 2 kids I think achieving even a 2-pack may be virtually impossible), but more her insane level of fitness. And so, the lovely Miss Ennis has inspired me to set myself some new fitness challenges.


I’m hoping that in publicising these goals I will put myself under more pressure and will be less likely to sack them off after the first 2 or 3 days.

Challenge 1: The Three Peaks Challenge

I’ve already conquered the mighty peaks of Snowdon and Scafell Pike, but Ben Nevis is now my Everest. Many years ago my granddad and I made plans to climb it, since we’d climbed the other two together, but then my gran became ill and our plans had to be put on hold. Unfortunately, it wasn’t meant to be, due to my granddad’s sudden and unexpected passing, and my goal to climb Ben Nevis was relegated to my Bucket List.

Until now.

My Scottish Everest!

I am planning to take on the Three Peaks Challenge; climb all three mountains in 24 hours. If I put it into writing for you all to see that I am aiming to complete this challenge in August I am much more likely to stick to my goal to avoid the shame of not having followed it through! Although, be aware I may very well lie to you all to avoid this embarrassment, so expect to see fake pics from the summits on my blog in about 4 months…;o)

Challenge 2: A 10k race

With this one I’m aiming for June, as I think I need something a little sooner than August to keep me motivated. Is it possible to train for a 10k run in less than 2 months? Who knows whether it’s possible for me, but my research on the Internet tells me there are plenty of people out there who think it is.

But do they have kids? School runs? Packed lunches? The million other tiny things that mount up and become the obstacle (or the excuse?) between me and my ideal body? Jessica Ennis, for all her fitness, determination and glory, doesn’t have a couple of insanely cute but my-God-difficult-on-some-days ratbags to take care of.

But, enough excuses. There are loads of mums out there who manage to balance kids, work, housework, a social life, and stick to an exercise regime…I just need to figure out how it’s done!

My Plan

1. To run AT LEAST every other day in the evening. I don’t know why but I seem to be much more motivated when running in the dark, and seem to be able to run further and faster (unless it’s all in my mind?!). This might work out quite well as there’s no reason why I can’t go once the kids are in bed, as Jack has proven himself more than capable of looking after our boys when they’re asleep and not causing any trouble.

2. To walk the local hills and mountains at least once every 2 weeks. I don’t think it would be unfair to leave the kids with Jack, or even with a sitter so he can come with me, so I can get in some practice on the mountains. Watch this space; best laid plans and all that!

3. To reduce my chocolate intake. This is the biggy! I have no sense of smell, so it seems grossly unfair to me that I can still taste just as well as everybody else; if I couldn’t, I’d so be a size 8! I have no desire to cut chocolate (or cakes, or biscuits) out of my diet, but I am going to keep an eye on how much of it I’m eating. Maybe I’ll just stick to one piece of Cadbury’s chocolate gateaux for breakfast instead of two…

A Plan for Success or a Certain Failure?

Again, who knows? I’m pretty motivated right now, but even with the best of intentions, life happens! I’ll keep you posted on my progress…and if there is none, I’ll probably remove this article in the next couple of weeks and deny all knowledge of these lofty promises!

Ella x
