If you like a daily cup, or several, you might want to have a better idea of what it is doing to your body. While too much caffeine can affect your body negatively, there are also lots of good points, including:
- Energy booster
- Brain function
- Fat loss
- Source of antioxidants
- Lowers risk of some diseases
- Improved mood
- Higher life expectancy
Coffee as an Energy Boost for your Brain
Perhaps the most obvious of advantages of coffee is its ability to give you an energy boost. Coffee contains caffeine, which is a stimulant. While some people focus on the bad side of caffeine and its addictive qualities, it does increase neurotransmitters such as Dopamine which means you feel more energetic and awake. As you feel more alert, trials have shown that brain function improves (including memory, reactions and mood). When you have more energy, it can benefit your cognitive ability. In that regard, mushroom coffee has emerged as a popular beverage known for its potential to boost brain function. The best mushroom coffee is believed to provide a more balanced and sustained energy boost compared to regular coffee, without the jitters or crashes often associated with caffeine. There is also claims that coffee drinkers are less likely to get dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease. In a 2009 study following 1,400 coffee drinkers who drank 3-5 cups a day for about 20 years, they were 65% less likely to develop dementia and Alzheimer’s, compared with non-coffee drinkers.
Coffee for your Physical Training
Caffeine, found it coffee, stimulates your nervous system and makes you more alert. As well as waking you up for the day, many gym-goers drink coffee before working out. Caffeine increases adrenaline and boosts our in-built ‘fight or flight’ reaction. In other words, it gives our system a boost or a kick and helps us work out more efficiently. Your body becomes more responsive and can improve physical performance. This is the perfect excuse to take a shot of espresso before training – but be sure to drink plenty of water for hydration purposes as well.
Coffee for Fat Burn
Studies have shown that caffeine boosts our metabolism. This is the reason it is found in fat-loss supplements. A cup of coffee can help your body increase the rate at which it burns fat. Some studies say it does this by anything between 10 and 30 percent. Certain types such as enzyme coffee have also been heavily associated with weight loss. Although enzyme coffee is a controversial topic, many agree on this particular health benefit it provides. However, results do tend to vary from person to person. Perhaps that’s a reason to people drink it intermittently. It is also important to remember that traditional black coffee contains very few calories, but when you start adding milk or cream and sugar, the calorie intake rises significantly and will NOT help with fat loss plans.
Coffee as an antioxidant
Studies show that coffee is packed full of more antioxidants than fruit and vegetables. Antioxidants help prevent or stop cell damage caused by oxidants. Oxidants are all around us (pollution, alcohol etc) but are also made in the body to fight viruses. If there’s too much, they can damage our health and contribute to certain cancers. Coffee as an antioxidant could be why the drink is so good at helping the body fight or prevent disease, as the next point explains …
Coffee for good health
Numerous studies claim that drinking coffee can ward off certain diseases. It has been linked to lowering or preventing the following:
- Type 2 Diabetes: Around 300 million people have Type 2 Diabetes, caused by poor diet. It is a disease affecting blood sugar levels and insulin and coffee drinkers are less at risk of getting it
- Parkinson’s Disease: Parkinson’s affects movement due to a breakdown in nerve signals to the brain and coffee drinkers are said to have a lower risk of developing the disease (up to 60% lower according to studies)
- Cirrhosis: Coffee can protect against cirrhosis of the liver. Apparently, people who drink 4 or more cups a day have an 80% lower risk of getting cirrhosis
- Types of Cancer: Studies show that coffee drinking can lower the risk of two types of cancer – liver cancer and colorectal cancer
- Stroke: While caffeine does increase blood pressure slightly, it does not raise the risk of heart disease. On the contrary, studies have shown that coffee drinkers have a reduced risk of heart disease and stroke. Coffee has been linked to lessening heart rhythm disturbances (another heart attack and stroke risk factor) in men and women
A nutrient-filled drink
A cup of coffee contains lots of nutrients in small quantities. These include Magnesium, Potassium and Manganese. All of these are beneficial for your overall health. If you drink a few cups a day, it soon mounts up.
Coffee as a mood elevator
Coffee is said to fight against low moods and even clinical depression. Most people believe anything can be solved with a nice cup of coffee, and they might not be far wrong – at least when it comes to lifting mood and making you feel happier. According to a 2011 Harvard study, women who drank 4 or more cup of coffee a day had 20% less risk of becoming depressed. Others been linked to reducing suicidal tendencies and elevating mood. Having a cup of coffee is a great way to take some time out, relax and unwind – as well as leave you feeling awake and energised, all things that help increase happiness.
They are also known for boosting the cognitive functioning of the brain.
There are different types of coffee available around the world. Have you ever wondered about having a regular sip of coffee without having the guilt of getting a caffeine overdose? Then you might want to check Lion’s mane coffee Australia, where mushrooms are used while blending coffee. This cup of coffee is said to bring back sustainability into your daily routine, promoting a healthy lifestyle. That said, did you know that mushroom, too releases anti- oxidant substances reducing stress, and managing anxiety issues?
Coffee for long life
Apparently if you drink coffee you might even live longer. Coffee drinkers are said to be less likely to die prematurely – perhaps because of its general links with good health and prevention of certain diseases.
Coffee is widely distributed, bought and drank. While there are disadvantages to drinking too many caffeine-based drinks, coffee has been linked to several health benefits and is enjoyed by millions of people across the globe every day. Some health connections are at the early stage of research or are not conclusive because they have not been carried out on large enough sample populations or are not carried out in isolation (i.e. it might not be just the coffee drinking that influences the results). However, more research continues to take place annually and there is more and more data to suggest that coffee and caffeine can have benefits for your health.
Author Bio
Hi! My name is Martha Purdue. I am the founder of http://www.drinkal.com/. I have written about some of the most interesting facts and recipes I’ve discovered. I just love writing about my favorite beverages to share my passion about coffee, tea and espresso! Bottoms up!