7 Easy-to-Grow Indoor Herbs

If there’s one thing that avid cooks miss most during the dead of winter, it’s fresh, homegrown herbs. Of course, you can hit up your local supermarket for fresh packaged herbs, but it’s just not the same as picking something from your own garden.

Thankfully, many of the most popular fresh herbs can be grown right in your own home. All you’ll need is a bright windowsill, a small pot with a little soil, and started plant or seed pack. Simply water regularly, trim when necessary (You’ll eat so much that “trimming” won’t be necessary), and enjoy!

Image courtesy of stevanin and freedigitalphotos.net

Caring For Indoor Plants

Taking care of indoor herbs means paying attention to what each plant needs to grow well in the home environment. You have to make sure they get enough light. Also, water them regularly, but don’t over water, as this can harm their roots. Some plants like more humidity, so occasionally misting them or using a humidifier can also help.

Additionally, feed your indoor plants with fertilizer during the growing season to give them the necessary nutrients. Also, trim them from time to time to remove any dead or damaged parts. Furthermore, keep an eye out for pests. If you notice any insects, using Nematodes From Green Gardener can help control them and keep your indoor plants healthy.


An obvious favorite for Italian-inspired dishes, basil comes in a huge number of varieties, and it’s incredibly easy to grow indoors (like most of the herbs on this list). Try topping homemade pizzas, caprese salads, and Italian pasta dishes with your fresh basil


Perfect for accompanying fish and poultry, thyme is another kitchen gardening standby. It grows easily, matches well with a wide array of flavors, and looks beautiful in your kitchen too!


No matter the variety, mint would be hard-pressed not to grow indoors, or outdoors or anywhere else for that matter. Mint plants are amazingly hardy, and they grow like wildfire. Plus, they come in a ton of different fun varieties like chocolate, orange, and licorice.


Image courtesy of Master isolated images and freedigitalphotos.net

This herb has to be the most versatile on the list. Parsley can be introduced as a cooking herb to salads, entrees, and sides, or a sprig can serve as a garnish on practically any dish. It’s a lovely palette cleanser, and you’ll never run out of uses for it.


Have you ever wondered what the secret is to fresh, restaurant style salsa? More often than not, that secret is delicious green cilantro. This herb has a flavor like none other, and it’s a staple in many cultural cuisines (not just Mexican).


Sage is one of those herbs with a flavor that truly sets it apart from the rest. When skillfully incorporated into a dish, it stands out boldly, yet gracefully compliments the rest of the ingredients surprisingly well.


Rosemary is a little more involved to grow indoors, but that shouldn’t scare you away. You’ll just need a little extra light and some additional time to care for the plant. Set your rosemary plant in an especially spot in your home, give it plenty of drainage, water it regularly, and trim it when needed.

More Indoor Gardening

Is your interest for indoor gardening piqued? Check out the graphic below for more tips on growing tasty edibles indoors!

DIY Indoor Gardening: How to Save Money and be Green
