Vegetables are essential to a healthy lifestyle and while moms and dads understand this to be true, it can be hard to convince the kiddos to eat the veggies they need to. No matter what types of veggies you try to feed your children, you may have a difficult time getting your child to eat healthy. There is a stigma that comes along with vegetables and it seems as though children fall victim to feeling as though veggies taste bad and should not be eaten. By making smart choices and being creative, you can get your child to eat a variety of veggies to not only have a larger palette but also a healthier lifestyle. Check out these tips below to get started offering your child the veggies they need for a healthy diet.
Start Early
The best way to get your child to eat their vegetables, it is essential to start early. Once your child is old enough for table food, begin to introduce fresh vegetables. Try one new vegetable each week to see what your child likes and what they do not have a taste for. You can reintroduce vegetables that your child does not like again and again to try and get your child to begin to like the vegetable. From bell peppers to squash, your child can develop a taste for unique veggies over time. You can also try providing the vegetable in different forms from fresh to roasted and even added to favorite dishes.
Try a Variety
Be sure to try a variety of vegetables to your child’s diet. By providing a variety, you can find several options your child will enjoy so that they can have a vegetable option during every meal. Add carrots at lunch and peas at dinner so your child gets a vegetable at every meal. You have a nice variety of standard vegetables from potatoes, corn, squash, green beans and more that your child can begin to love and create a start to a healthy diet.
Color is Key
Vegetables come in a variety of colors and can make it easy for your child to be excited about eating vegetables. When a child is small, use the veggies as a way to teach colors so the child can have fun and get the vitamins and minerals they need at the same time. Create a rainbow plate of vegetables so your child can enjoy the beautiful presentation and find a new favorite during lunch and dinner time.
Make it Fun
Anytime you want a small child to do anything, you need to make it fun. At lunch and dinnertime, you can plan a fun time with veggies so your child will be excited about mealtime and eating vegetables. A great example of fun meal time is to purchase unique plates and dinnerware from shopping outlets such as design55online. You can then add the veggies to the fun plates in animal shapes or funny faces. Let your kids get in on the action so they can have fun and create their own funny faces and then eat each vegetable used for facial features.
Involve the Kids
Be sure to involve the kids in the vegetable process. From shopping for the veggies to cutting and presentation, if you involve the child, they will want to enjoy the fruits of their labor. Remember to make meal time fun and your child will be excited to try new vegetables at every meal.