Being a single parent is hard work. There is no-one to share the day to day responsibility for looking after the children and no-one to reassure you when you are making important decisions. There are many mums who have the support of large families, but there are also people who feel isolated and alone.
In such cases, owning a horse is a great experience, and they can be incredibly beneficial to single parents who are going through a hard time. Now you might think that owning a horse requires a lot of upkeep, but that’s not entirely true! Just like dogs, cats, or any other pet, horses need warmth, care, and regular maintenance too. This might involve building a comfortable horse stable, which you might arrange through a professional team found on this website. You will also need to manage your horse’s diet, training, veterinary check-ups, and other necessary care.
Despite the responsibilities involved, owning a horse can offer several advantages. If you find yourself in a situation where this idea resonates with you, keep reading! I will try and convince you that why buying a horse could be a wise investment.
Children Love Them
When you first introduce a new nag to your children they will be delighted. They will bond with their new playmate very quickly, and a healthy relationship will blossom. Your children will occupy many hours riding their best buddy, and the horse will have friends for life. Introducing children to horses at an early age often lays the seeds for a lifelong passion. When you own a horse, you will tend to spend less money on other things because children enjoy riding in the countryside, which costs nothing.
A Distraction
The horse will provide a distraction occasionally, from the pressures of everyday life. When the children are at school, and you are at a loose end, there is always something to do at the stables. Daily grooming provides an excuse to get out of the house and away from daytime television programs that are the source of depression for many people. The horse also needs basic health care with treatments from Taking care of the physical condition of the animal brings a sense of satisfaction to you.
Riding a horse is good exercise. With the news full of statistics demonstrating that we are all a bunch of couch potatoes, going for a ride on your horse may ease the guilt you feel after eating a family-sized bar of chocolate all to yourself. What could be more satisfying than bouncing your wobbly bits up and down for all the world to see? However, before you think about using a horse to keep yourself fit, you need to check if your pony is in a good shape. Know that if your horse is affected by diseases like Laminitis (which is an extremely painful and frequently recurrent condition), then it would not be able to walk or run as the illness affects hooves the most. In such a scenario, you would need to find the best treatment for laminitis to treat your animal friend before taking a ride on it. Moreover, laminitis could be a secondary condition of diseases like Cushings, which requires addressing the bigger cause. For this purpose, you can ensure the intake of prescription medicine and regular grooming that can control the symptoms of the disease. Further, you can give your pony supplements for Cushing’s Disease in Horses, which can support a normal immune response in them. Additionally, it is a good practice to get the horse checked periodically by the vet and feed them with nutritious food to prevent the occurrence of such diseases.
Social Scene
People who own horses often develop active social lives with others who share the stables. This is especially true in regions where equestrian communities are present. They might have facilities, such as horse boarding central florida (or depending on your location), where they may offer not just a place to keep your horse and look after its well-being, but also provide a hub for social interaction. Now, this hobby can be a great ice breaker as single parents sometimes find it hard to get out there and make friends in their spare time. Additionally, you’ll find numerous opportunities to connect with fellow horse enthusiasts, from casual trail rides to organized events.
Make Money
The stables, with your permission, will hire the horse out for people who pay by the hour to ride it. That will pay a lot towards the stable fees and even make some extra money for you to use as you wish. If you breed the horse there is much money to be made from the sale of its offspring too, especially if it has a desirable heritage.
Are you convinced yet? There are few downsides to owning your own horse or pony. Like every other hobby, you take as much pleasure as you want from it. Go to your local stables and meet a few horses, you may get hooked.