For most parents, the outdoors can act as a sort of babysitter for their children; outside, the kids can play in the grass, or with rocks, sticks and mud. They are endlessly entertained by jumping in puddles or catching bugs. While sledding and snowman-making can occupy a small part of time in the winter, there are often endless hours where it is too cold to be outside and children must play indoors. Not to mention, time spent outside is limited by shorter daylight hours.
But before you hunker down for those indoor winter days, maintaining your heating appliances is really important to make sure the air inside your home is warm and healthy. Over time, these systems can collect dust, dirt, and things that can make your kids sneeze or feel unwell. Maintaining your HVAC ensures that your heating system runs smoothly. To keep your kids healthy, it’s a smart idea to seek the help of professionals from companies similar to Snow’s Fuel ( to clean your HVAC system.
In addition to keeping your HVAC system in tip-top shape, you might want to make sure that you have the right amount of heating fuel available. Propane can be a good option for fuel as it provides higher energy output per unit compared to other fuels. You can look for a local service such as Dutch Propane, or any similar one near you, that can deliver fuel to your home for the chilly winters. In most cases, these services can also provide repair services for your fueling and heating systems, so you can contact the same service provider in case of emergency.
There are a few other essential steps you can take to create a cozy and healthy indoor environment for your family during the winter months. First, make sure your home is well-insulated to prevent drafts and heat loss. Proper insulation not only helps your heating system work more efficiently but also saves you money on energy bills. Secondly, consider looking into purchasing a quality air purifier from somewhere like Air Purifiers Online to further improve indoor air quality. Air purifiers can help remove allergens, dust particles, and pollutants, ensuring that the air your children breathe is clean and safe. Lastly, encourage your kids to stay active indoors by engaging in fun indoor activities and games to maintain their overall well-being during the colder months.
So how do you keep all of your mini-me tyrants from driving you insane? Keeping them indoors all day can take a toll on your home and your sanity. Included here are a few ways to make staying inside more enjoyable in the cold, dark winter months.
Build a Blanket Fort
There is a reason that blanket forts continue to be one of the most beloved indoor activities. Construction is simple, just drape a few blankets or sheets from the back of the couch out to an additional chair or two. To up the fun, string LED christmas lights under the blankets to make a “starry” ceiling within the fort. Encourage the kids to play board games, draw or read inside their fort.
Have A Reading Contest
While studies show that children who are read to every night of their formative years tend to be more successful, it is a highly underutilized tool. Challenge your kids to read as many books as possible each week. Have a reward for the biggest reader, but suit their book material to their age.
If you have kids who are not enjoying reading, there are several ways you can help them gain interest in this edifying task. Find a book your child is interested in, and begin reading it to them. When you get to a terribly exciting spot, stop reading. This will incite your child to want to read to know how the book ends.
Another great way to get your kids to read is to offer an earning system. The average American child spends four hours per day watching television. Want to cut down on that screen time and increase their book smarts?
Tell your children they must read for twice as long as they want to watch television. Have a half hour program you want to see? Better read for an hour first. It is a great method to teach your children discipline and reward and get their noses buried in books.
Build an Obstacle Course
There are plenty of activities you can do inside that are restful and quiet, but that can be the opposite of some children. Some kids just need to move and a great way to do this without breaking down your couches is by building an obstacle course in your basement or playroom. Create tunnels the kids have to climb through and obstacles to go over. For added fun, time each child to see who is the fastest.